Ministry the voice in the desert
M.V.D Jonh 1:23
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May the Lord Jesus blesses you

Many are testimonies from people compared to the works give ministry the voice of the desert. We put here as an indication some of those
Testimony of a deaf person who was cured by the prayer of Pst ALLADO during a meeting of prayer and delivery
On June 16, 2009, a person reached of fibrome was cured during a meeting of cure in the center of Bethsaida prayer of Pst KOUMA. While. when Pst ALLADO requested for this person, a large ball (the fibrome) left its entrails
The Sunday of pentecost, more than 100 people received the Holy Spirit during a prayer asking that the baptism of the Holy Spirit be effective in the church
A man reached of cancer and hospitalized to the CHU Campus was touched and his cancer disappeared during a meeting of prayer
A brother named AYAWO, asked that the Pst ALLADO pray for himin an emission of preaching to radio Good news. His look for a job. After Pst ALLADO requested, this brother found work and today, he lives in a house which he built.
One day at KATANGA (a coastal village in the south of Togo), a prophetic revelation giving the day, and the place where they must throw their net, was given to Pst ALLADO for a group of fishermen. And this group having followed the instructions, has requests in this only day of the fish value of 7.000.000 FCFA (approximately 10.500 euros).
Every month, we make distributions of goods and foods, books to the poor, the orphans and needy whom we also support in their daily life.
You can also help or sponsor a child. We work in the villages where the living conditions are difficult, of the villages like GBOTO, ASSIGAME, KOUVE, AGBODANKOPE and others